You are responsible for all that you do, all that you don't do, and the consequences thereof.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The level grind...

I'm inclined to believe that MMORPGs suffer from a fundamental problem: The level grind makes it difficult for people to always be able to play together. However, without the level grind, there is no longer a reason to play. MMORPGs need an objective for friends to get together and help each other with that doesn't get in the way of getting together and helping each other.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

What everyone wants:

Pretty much everyone wants the same thing: love and appreciation. Everything else is just icing on the cake.

Other things that help:
Acceptance - this is different from mere tolerance, and not exactly plentiful. It's basically when people who care, stop wanting you to be different from what you are.
Understanding - I can't really describe this. It's basically the sense that you are not alone.
Freedom - this is often tied in with acceptance. Basically, it's the absence of restrictions, and in many cases the absence of fear. Not everyone really cares about freedom, so long as they can enjoy themselves.
Safety - Not sure what else to say about it. Just that a lot of things can make a person feel unsafe, and that there are many kinds of harm.
Joy - Something to do to pass the time. Something to stave off boredom and make life interesting (or at least entertaining).

Thursday, November 09, 2006


The horrid pain and anger that sends people into depression can also send them to the depths of depravity. It drives people into acts of extreme violence and desperation. They'll grab a gun and kill dozens in a school, or strap a bomb to their chest and explode in the name of god. In an effort to make the world a better place, they highlight just how fucked up it really is, hoping that someone will find a way to fix it. Religious extremism isn't what creates suicide bombers. Suicide bombers create religious extremism.