You are responsible for all that you do, all that you don't do, and the consequences thereof.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Convincing Women in China They're Too Hairy

One of the problems of capitalism, is the tendency to create problems where none existed, just so they can sell a product that was never needed.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Computer game to tackle depression

The fact that a video game is helping people with depression, implies that many people are sorely lacking in basic mental skills. All the video game can do is teach.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

10 Ways to Open Your Mind

While I do like these kinds of lists, they suffer from a problem: In general, they only help people who already know there's a problem, and are trying to fix it. People who are convinced they're right, don't know how to listen or take in critique.

To really open one's mind, try viewing the world through the claim "Everyone is right." It leads to the corollary "Everyone is wrong." and trying to encompass both beliefs simultaneously is awkward (especially when one realizes they need to apply both claims to themselves too). Most people who attempt it will probably end up using the standard cop-out of throwing lots of "but"s around. The real challenge is to find the common thread that exists in all human viewpoints. (If I knew how to explain it in words, I'd do so, unfortunately, my own understanding remains weak.)

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

The Psychology of Hate

Sadly, this article complaining about hate, seems to itself be full of hate. Hating hate doesn't make it go away. *sigh*

Ultimately, the main problem being pointed out is due to everyone's insistence in issuing judgement. The need to define everything as either right or wrong, combined with the need to be right, leads to hatred of anything that threatens their belief in their own rightness.

Thursday, November 01, 2012