You are responsible for all that you do, all that you don't do, and the consequences thereof.

Monday, October 31, 2016

The Fundamental Flaw of Capitalism:

TL;DR: The engine of capitalism uses the wealth of workers as fuel. This will run out if no interventions exist to replenish it.

It is a general rule: If you work for someone else, you are generating more value than you are being paid.

If you didn't generate more value than you were paid, there would be no point in hiring you. This means that the total spending of the worker base, is greater than the total income received by workers, because a portion of that spent money, goes to the owners as profits to the business; wealth moves up.

The flow of wealth from the bottom to the top, is a fundamental part of capitalism, and a major part of how it functions. Without it, businesses couldn't be profitable, and for the economy to grow, businesses need profits.

There's a problem: If left alone, the entire system will slowly grind to a halt as it drains every last bit of wealth from the bottom, until there's nothing left.

Keeping the system running at full speed, and keeping the economy growing, requires the wealth at the bottom to not run out. In the past this has been done through constant expansion. Gaining new lands and resources for the workers to harvest and the owners to profit from. Nowadays though, we've already taken over so much of the world's land, there just isn't much room for expansion left. We are hitting the limits of land wealth available to us.

The fundamental flaw of capitalism, is that it relies upon the movement of wealth from the bottom to the top, but contains no built in system for that wealth to be replenished. To keep things running, it is important to create a system for transferring wealth back down, so it can move back up and keep the engine running.

Friday, October 21, 2016

I Endured Years of Rape and Abuse by My Stepfather; My Amazing Experience with Ayahuasca Deeply Helped Me Deal with the Trauma