You are responsible for all that you do, all that you don't do, and the consequences thereof.

Monday, April 30, 2012

5 Gender Stereotypes That Used To Be the Exact Opposite

Saturday, April 28, 2012

What Your Klout Score Really Means

Something I fear, has already begun. The future is coming, whether we like it or not.

"even if you have no idea what your Klout score is, there’s a chance that it’s already affecting your life. At the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas last summer, clerks surreptitiously looked up guests’ Klout scores as they checked in. Some high scorers received instant room upgrades, sometimes without even being told why. According to Greg Cannon, the Palms’ former director of ecommerce, the initiative stirred up tremendous online buzz. He says that before its Klout experiment, the Palms had only the 17th-largest social-networking following among Las Vegas-based hotel-casinos. Afterward, it jumped up to third on Facebook and has one of the highest Klout scores among its peers."

Friday, April 27, 2012

Cooking Up a War? Don't Forget the Piss

Monday, April 16, 2012

Path of Exile

I discovered a game being developed called Path of Exile. One of it's most striking features is the Passive Skill Web. That thing is massive. It's like a gigantic puzzle that rewards taking the time to examine it and plot out a course for one's character to take through it.

The next key point, is the skill system. It's basically a more complex version of Final Fantasy 7's materia system, which was my favorite thing about Final Fantasy 7.

Combining a dark atmosphere, skills and spells picked up as loot, and randomly generated magic items, it reminds me a lot of Diablo 1 (I liked Diablo 1). Path of Exile is expected to enter an open beta in a few months and is something to look forward to if you like researching complex skill web layouts and plotting the destruction of worlds, planning out powerful combinations of skills and supports.

I actually gave them some money to get into the closed beta and try to break it before they launch it, but so far haven't had much success (at breaking it). I'd like to see them succeed, so I'm trying to help out. (I haven't been at it long, yet)

The Kids Are All Right

Friday, April 13, 2012

D&D 4e’s Out… And It’s Awful. Here’s Why

This is rather old, and probably not very relevant so late after 4e's release. However, I really liked how he described what made an RPG an RPG, and what made DnD, DnD. Key points in his argument that 4e failed.