You are responsible for all that you do, all that you don't do, and the consequences thereof.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Different views

This caught my eye because their views are so different from my own. Things that struck me as entirely ordinary and meaningless, are attributed as having some deeper meaning, that makes little to no sense to me, since I don't see any reason for things to be different.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Standard MMO controls are horrible.

Champions Online has convinced me that the standard MMO control scheme, of picking a target, then using the chosen power on it, is horrible. It only works because most MMOs are fairly slow games. If I want to do something a little more complicated than just attacking the same target repeatedly, it becomes a nightmare. Most action games would be almost unplayable using the MMO standard UI. Losing a fight because I can't get the controls to do what I want them to, is not a fun way to play.

I need a way to make my buttons/keys do what I want them to, independant of what character I'm choosing as my target. I want to be able to hit the heal button, to heal someone who's injured, and not have to target them first. I want to be able to give each power a separate and independent targeting system that they use when clicked/pressed/activated. I'd like to be able to have my debuff powers automatically pick targets who don't have the debuff yet.

Champions Online has made progress with the auto-target system, but whenever I try to do something other than just charge in and beat stuff up, I find myself fighting with the controls and the system, more than with the enemies.

(Posted while in a very bad mood after some very frustrating attempts to use the healing drones, and the charged heal)