You are responsible for all that you do, all that you don't do, and the consequences thereof.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Ancient Egyptian technology may be our first line of defense from hospital infections

Monday, December 22, 2014

Uh, oh. Out of stuff.

Erm... I ran out of stuff to link...

Currently playing King's Bounty games (on steam), because I enjoy them despite their flaws. Don't really want to make a post on them though.

*sigh* Sorry.

Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed (The Real Reason For The Forty-Hour Workweek)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

6 Things That Annoy You Every Day (Explained by Science)

Friday, December 12, 2014

I Don't Play Video Games Anymore. I Wait For Them.

This is why my PS3 doesn't have internet access. It can't make me wait for updates to download if it doesn't know there are any.

Monday, December 08, 2014

Why I don't feel loved.

It's really quite simple: My flaws are a deep part of who I am, and everyone wants to fix me.

I didn't really understand it when I was younger, but I do now: Everything people have all praised me for, exists because of everything people condemn me for. My flaws aren't just a part of the whole package. They are largely responsible for why I am who I am. I wouldn't be me without them.

My high perception? My ability to notice and remember details most don't? That's because I'm very sensitive to stimuli, and it's why I hate taking showers or baths and have crappy hygiene.

My high intelligence and knowledge? That's largely because I can't focus on anything I'm not interested in. I can't make myself do work, and when I try, my mind just wanders. So what I do manage to accomplish, is I end up thinking about, and contemplating everything that ever happens to me. Everything I see or read, or hear gets thought about over and over and over. I end up thinking about everything far more deeply than anyone I know. The whole reason I am smart, is just because I never stop thinking. It is also why I can't work. I can't set myself a goal and expect to accomplish it.

People will say they love me, and in the same breath wish that my flaws would be fixed. Which just sounds like all they really love is their idea of me. Some perfect construct that doesn't exist, and never will. What they want is my potential. Not my reality. They don't want me, just what they think I could be.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Not Simply Double Standards

I've read complaints that when men are abused by women, it's not treated as seriously as when women are abused by men. They complain about double standards. That doesn't really explain what's going on.

When a woman is in trouble, the socially accepted solution is for a man to help/save her. When a man is in trouble the socially accepted solution, is for him to solve the problem himself. This is why people will react so very differently depending on who does the oppressing, and whom is being oppressed.

People will laugh when a man is abused, not because they think it's okay to abuse the guy, but because they think it's absurd for him to not fight back. They will try to goad him into standing up for himself, condemn him for his weakness, and demand that he solve his own problems.

People don't laugh when a woman is abused, because what happens is exactly what they expect to happen. They expect women to just take the abuse and not fight back. They expect men to abuse. It's not funny, because everything is exactly how they believe things are supposed to be.

It's not that men and women are held to different standards, it's that there's one standard being applied to everything: Men are in charge. It's not Feminism refusing to help the men. It's the Patriarchy refusing to.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Dungeons and Dragons: Players vs Dungeon Masters

An insightful post about the nature of running a D&D game, and how player and game master desires can conflict.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Ship Happens - AMV

Was browsing AMVs, this one made me laugh.
If you don't know what Shipping is in this context, check out TV tropes:

Monday, August 18, 2014

Neverwinter (the MMO)

I tried playing Neverwinter. It made me laugh, and also confused me. What I found so funny, was how the game tried so hard to look and feel like an action game, yet underneath the surface it was clearly using standard MMO mechanics. What I found confusing, was that the animations seemed much worse than I'd expected. Champions Online has better animations. Both games were made by the same company: Cryptic. Aside from the animation issues (mainly the run/walk animations and the tails... and the fact that archers don't shoot like that...) Neverwinter was very pretty.

Sadly, I'm not a big fan of standard MMO gameplay, so I didn't play Neverwinter very long. It felt very much like a standard MMO, with some heavy instancing, and tons of polish. It also, really, did not feel like DnD. It felt like a standard MMO paying lip service to DnD ideas.

P.S. Not being able to move and attack at the same time was frustrating. Not being able to fire my cone attack unless an enemy was under the targeting cursor was even more annoying. I have to stop attacking if I want to dodge anything... I liked TSW better.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Defiance (the game, not the behavior)

Started playing some of the game Defiance. I'm not really sure what to think. Many of the game mechanics and design I'd wanted to see done in an MMO are there, yet the overall quality of the game is somewhat lacking. It's like there's a lot of good ideas executed poorly.

The core element that really sets Defiance apart, and makes it special, is the way everything is built with open missions, which anyone can show up and help with. If someone else is already doing a mission I've been sent to do, I can join them, and we'll both get credit when it's done. I've never had to wait for a boss to respawn because someone else beat me to it.

The core problem with the open mission structure, is how easily it leads to certain missions being swarmed by players in such numbers that the missions become trivial. Other missions are simply ignored, and I end up having to avoid them because I can't handle them solo. Thankfully, most of the plot missions I did were both soloable, and often one or two other players would help out.

Personally, I'd like to see MMOs take advantage of the ability to give each player different mission requests to try and spread players out more. Would probably require a kind of AI director (*cough-L4D-cough*).

P.S. while I have enjoyed the shotguns that shoot grenades, I don't really understand why they are in the game, when there are also grenade launchers. Wouldn't it make more sense to just have a larger variety of grenade launchers instead?

P.P.S. I'm running out of articles to link. I guess I'll have to write more stuff myself. Unfortunately, all I really have to write about, is video games. My life isn't very exciting, and I don't do anything of importance.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Divinity: Original Sin

I recently played Divinity: Original Sin. It proved to be a better game than I had expected.

One of the simple mechanics introduced in the game very early on, is something I've realized is missing in most games. I can spill oil on the ground, then light it on fire. The green ooze/poison stuff is explosive if burned. If I hit an enemy that is on fire with poison, it will explode causing extra fire damage. A spell available in the first town, that can be cast (theoretically) by someone at level 1, makes it rain. The rain makes characters wet. Wet characters are harder to burn. These are all really simple concepts that make a much richer game mechanically.

Objects can be moved around. I beat a boss by abusing this. Arranging the vases in the room, messed with the Boss' AI so that instead of starting the fight by blasting me with a big spell, they ran around all the vases and swung a sword. Another time I managed to place a bunch of oil barrels around a room, before starting the fight by attacking them with fire. The fight was basically over as soon as it began.

The game certainly isn't perfect (it seems to reward save-scumming rather heavily) yet it seems very much like a big forward leap for it's genre. It isn't simply more of the old stuff, like so many other indie RPGs have been. Divinity: Original Sin has raised the bar, providing new mechanics and ideas for everyone to (hopefully) raid and pillage for their new games.

Friday, July 25, 2014

My problem with Hearthstone

If I try to just enjoy playing ranked, I end up running into a wall I can't pass, because I don't have enough good cards. To get better cards I need gold. To get gold at a reasonable rate, I need quests. To do quests I must log in and play a short while on whatever hero it tells me to play every day or two. So, either I get annoyed by the task I'm given, or I get annoyed when the task ends. Either way, I lose interest after a short while and stop playing.

It's frustrating to not be able to make progress when I just do what I want, and frustrating to not be able to do what I want when I try to make progress.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The FCC's False Net Neutrality.

ISPs, like Comcast basically control gated communities. When their customers access the internet, all traffic goes though the ISP's gates. Tom Wheeler believes the rules that are being proposed will protect net neutrality because they will not allow discrimination at the main gate. All traffic at the main gate will need to be treated equally. However, the rules allow Comcast to make a side gate for VIPs.

Since only VIPs (people that pay Comcast extra money) get access to the side gate, it will have far fewer traffic jams, and will generally offer better service. This is why Netflix is paying Comcast money for a direct connection. They are paying for access to the VIP only gate.

Comcast is notorious for having terrible traffic jams at their main gate. Allowing them to charge for access to separate VIP gates will only encourage them to never upgrade their main gate.

Success really does breed success, unique online experiments find

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Intelligence Explosion

I believe most people who think and talk about the AI intelligence explosion, don't understand that we are already in the middle of a human society intelligence explosion. Every advancement in communication and travel, has expanded humanity's effective intelligence and rate of technological improvement, by reducing waste in effort.

Previously, separate towns, due to lack of communication might each spend time developing the same technologies. As communication ranges increased, one town's technological development could benefit other towns, letting them spend time making new inventions or improvements instead of having to reinvent what the other town already made.

Each expansion of communication range, expanded the effective intelligence of humanity, and enabled faster and faster advancement. Now, with the internet, the range any new technology or discovery can reach is nearly global (large portions of the world are still too poor to gain much benefit). It's easy to see from looking at history, that advancements in technology and communication keep getting faster.

Humans and AIs are not separate things. Every step along the path to creating strong AI is a new tool we integrate into our own use, becoming an aid to our effective intelligence, speeding up the creation of more and better devices or programs. The first strong AI's won't be able to get loose and self-improve faster than we can keep up with, because it will be in a world where it is surrounded by powerful tools and weak AIs developed for human use. It would first have to either develop it's own tools, or figure out how to use tools that were never designed for it to use. That would give humanity a pretty big head start, plenty of time to figure out how to integrate the new AIs into our toolkit such that they become an extension of ourselves, just like our phones and search engines already are.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

A Rigged Game

The more I study the stock market and finance, the more I'm convince the entire system is deeply unfair. I've learned I can make money on the stock market fairly easily. Some will say the money is earned because I must be smart, or skilled or something. Slight problem: The amount of money I can make is entirely dependent upon how much money I have.

I started trading on margin. What's the interest rate on that? Well, depends on how much money is in the account. People with lots of money, only pay 5.75%. Not so wealthy people, pay as much as 9.75%. That means, if they were getting 10% annual return on the money before, using margin trading could increase the wealthy person's profit to 14.25%. Meanwhile the not so rich would only be getting 10.25%. I actually have an uncle who's super rich, and can borrow below 2% interest. For him, that 10% would become 18%. I've heard that hedge funds frequently operate on 10x leverage. Meaning for every dollar they have, they borrow 10. That could easily multiply their profits 5x or more (probably more, depends on how much they pay to borrow the money).

The stock market is a rigged game. The rich can make off like bandits with tons of money, while providing very little to the economy. Numbers just inflate. Even if I do eventually make enough money to support myself, I don't think I could claim to be providing society with a useful service. I'm just exploiting a rigged game.

Monday, March 24, 2014

“Why Do I Fuck Up So Much?” – why this is the wrong question to be asking

Asking the right questions is one of the most important things in life. It's the key to finding the right answers.

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Free Will Requires Determinism

Some believe that Free Will and Determinism are incompatible because if all choices are pre-determined, then there's no freedom. I think they have it backwards. There's no freedom if they aren't.

I would like to believe that my choices are determined by my values, and beliefs. That the lessons I learn in life have an important impact upon the choices I make. That every time I'm given a choice, I'll always make a choice that fits my values and beliefs, and won't suddenly betray myself without a clear explanation for why. Otherwise, I'd have to question my sanity, and if I'm not sane, how can I possibly be free?

Determinism simply means there is cause and effect. That all things have an explanation. It is the anchor of logic and reason. Without it, we'd all be insane.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Why everything is so confusing.

Did a search on Google for:
The effect of minimum wage

The first two articles were:
"Historically, analyses of the minimum wage’s impact on young workers have never shown the predicted large job-loss effects."
"decades of economic research show that minimum wages usually end up harming workers and the broader economy."

Huh, that's two very different conclusions, both claiming to be obvious based on past evidence. I then looked at their About pages:

"The Economic Policy Institute’s mission is to inform and empower individuals to seek solutions that ensure broadly shared prosperity and opportunity."

"The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank – dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace."

Well, Cato's mission statement seems to include a clear bias against minimum wage, as minimum wage is a form of wage control and opposite the concept of limited government and free markets. I guess I understand why they offer such vastly different views now. However, both present themselves as neutral experts in their fields, which means anyone wanting to argue either point now has experts they can point to to back up their claims.

I feel like I'm in a world heavily burdened by incomplete information, where there is so much info to be learned, that it is easier to know only a little, than to know a lot. Thus resulting in most people only knowing a tiny piece of the truth, yet assuming they know all they need to.

Having not actually done the research, I can't say for sure which one is right and which is wrong (though based on the mission statements, I'm more inclined to trust the EPI over Cato). However, it's clear that there are "experts" out there either deliberately, or unintentionally sowing disinformation. That's why it is so hard to make sense of the world.

After reading the articles a bit, it seems both are suffering from only looking at a small piece of the picture. EPI is looking at the continental US and finding minimum wage increases to be beneficial or at least not harmful. Cato is looking at US territories such as Puerto Rico and Samoa, both of which showed large negative effects of minimum wage increases. This implies that the effects of a minimum wage depend on the local situation, and cannot be universally stated as good or bad. This also implies that while a high minimum wage may be good in some states or cities, implementing it on a national level may be a bad idea because the proper wage level varies from place to place. Location matters.

The modern world is suffering really heavily from selective presentation of information, combined with the standard desire for a simple explanation. Life isn't simple, and can't be summed up in a pithy slogan.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

NAFTA was a disaster.

Not a terribly easy read, but it makes pretty clear that the NAFTA trade agreement was a total disaster.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Jesus was very demanding.

Jesus asked people to treat complete strangers as well as they treated those they loved. This is why so few actually follow his teachings.

Afraid of pain and loss, people will not love their neighbors. Instead they condemn and complain, believing themselves just, because their neighbors sin. They complain loudly about the sins of others, so they might avoid noticing their own sins. Pride is so very common a sin, and acknowledging one's own faults is such a difficult thing for people to do.

All people are sinners, not because of some original sin (Jesus absolved humanity of that) but because no human is so strong of spirit as to live a life totally devoid of sin. One is far more likely to sin without knowing, than to not sin at all.