You are responsible for all that you do, all that you don't do, and the consequences thereof.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Random Writings

Silly thoughts permeate the mind.
One's views, twisted by time.
The future of truth, lost in rhyme.
'till the seekers discover, there's nothing to find.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The mind...

I don't see why free will cannot exist within the subconscious.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

CoH: Offenders

I feel like Sonic/Sonic is the easiest way to add a lot of damage to a team as a defender. Shriek, Scream, and Sonic Siphon make bosses go down quick, while Disruption Field and Howl allow ally AoE to tear entire groups apart. Sonic Dispersion is also a handy little buff though it doesn't add damage, except by preventing people from being held or stunned.

Disruption Field is a very expensive toggle, and should be slotted with Endurance reduction enhancements as soon as possible.

Note: I personally believe all Defenders should get Assault and Tactics from the leadership pool, which is why I didn't bother mentioning it as part of the Sonic/Sonic offender build. Just make sure you remember to put 3 endurance reductions in each, and to hit buff enhancements in Tactics.