You are responsible for all that you do, all that you don't do, and the consequences thereof.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Feminism: still excluding working class women?

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Love and Suffering

The amount of suffering in one's life, is tied to the amount of desire one carries.
Complete apathy, leads to happiness. (because nothing is ever wrong).
The greatest suffering, comes from the greatest desires.

Love is desire. Who wouldn't want to ease the suffering of those they love?
A love that does not care about the suffering of others, isn't love.
To love, one must be willing to accept suffering. It is the price of caring.

The greatest love, is the greatest desire. It is the wish to ease all suffering. To aid all. To perfect everything. It is an impossible desire. It will doom any who bear it, to suffer.

For me, to love, is to suffer. If I sought happiness, I'd find it easily, by simply abandoning all care for the world. I would rather abandon my life, than abandon my love. What I seek, is not happiness.

I want to care. I want to care so much it hurts. So, I do.
Then people ask, "Why do you hate living?"
I never really know how to answer this question. I don't know how to explain it in a way they'd understand, and I'm not sure I'd want to. If they understood, they might suffer too. For me, it seems stranger that so many are able to live with so few concerns. To live in ignorance of all the suffering, is not something I'd want. I find it amazing, that so many are able and willing to do so.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Infinite Relationships: Relationships without bounds or boundaries, love without limits

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Buy It for Me: My Life As a Financial Dominatrix


I find it rather sad that our society is producing people who want to be treated that way. It tells me that many people are living their lives in a way that is not fulfilling to them. 'tis another source of sadness for me.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Star Wars: The Old Republic

I think Bioware should take the class stories in their big MMO, and make single player games out of them. One game for each class, priced $40 each, and I'm sure they could make a bunch of money out of that. After trying and failing to play it when it launched, I'm no longer willing to play their MMO even when it's free. I'd be willing to buy a single player game though. I certainly enjoyed Mass Effect 1 and 2, and have been interested in some of the SW:TOR class stories after reading other people's opinions of them.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

I am a lazy gamer.

I've observed that I am a very lazy gamer. The characters I enjoyed most in City of Heroes were ones designed to require minimal effort to play, often sticking to abilities that required no attention (Toggles mostly, PBAoEs were also nice). EVE Online and City of Heroes are the only MMOs I've played for long periods of time.

In EVE Online, my preferred combat style was to deploy drones and then just wait for everything to die. Defenders were my preferred class in City of Heroes, and I loved to grab the skills from the tertiary leadership set. With a bit of math, it wasn't hard to figure out how to pull my weight on a team with minimal effort.

With some effort I was able to figure out how to make a character in Champions Online I could play in a fairly easy manner, but whenever I go back to it, I find that the gameplay gets bogged down by inventory management. In fact, I find almost every MMO I play, inventory management becomes a major turnoff for me, and a hassle that I hate.

I'm beginning to believe that the main reason I so rarely enjoy MMOs is because so much time is wasted on inventory management, running around towns, or other tedium, instead of actually playing the game. CoH and almost no inventory management, and traveling around town with travel powers was a breeze (though travel before said powers were obtained was rather dull and bothersome). Why can't I find more games like that? Where there's thought put into character building, without the tedium of item bags and constant trashing of random loot.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Body Image: An Apology to My Thinner Friend

The main reason women care so much about their appearance, is simply because everyone around them cares so much about it.