You are responsible for all that you do, all that you don't do, and the consequences thereof.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Alpha Protocol

I recently played Alpha Protocol, a game where the star character is Mike Thorton, an agent working for Alpha Protocol. I was amazed at the overall quality of the game, and the excellent writing. It's not an easy game, so it's not for people unwilling to fail and retry things over and over, but I found it a lot of fun.

The one flaw I saw in it's design, was the number of forced fights and boss fights which didn't operate like the rest of the game did. Most of the time, stealth was my preferred route, so being forced to engage in straight combat was a disruption of my game, not a continuation. It felt out of place.

The writing was truly amazing. Most game plots have the subtlety of a jackhammer, but this story really nailed the necessary nuance to make it feel real, even if it was extraordinarily unlikely. Twists within twists, within twists, and maybe a curve ball or two. The game also did an excellent job of making it feel like the choices I made really mattered. Left me wondering just how much of the game I still haven't seen, and how different things might've been had I made different choices.

I was expecting a shooter with some RPG elements, what I got was an RPG with some shooter elements. Since I'm not that fond of shooters, but like RPGs, the end result was great for me, but I feel sorry for anyone who got the game hoping for a shooter.

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